Thursday, 6 November 2014

Vocabulary Extention: Adjectives

Cunningham's chummy dropping of the ‘Mr’ from his name did not fool him for a moment: the withdrawn and irascible figure he had encountered in mid-afternoon was nearer the soul of this man than mine accommodating and smiling host of the Skein of Geese's oak-panelled restaurant. (Into the blue. Goddard, Robert. London: Transworld Publishers Ltd, 1990, pp. 119-225.)
Cunninghami semulik “härra”-tiitlist loobumine ei lollitanud teda hetkekski: see endassetõmbunud ja kergesti ärrituv tegelane, keda ta keskpärastlõunal kohanud oli, sarnanes veel vähem selle mehe hingega kui tammepaneelidega kaetud “Haneparve” restorani vastutulelik ja naeratav peremees minuga.

Belief in the devil persisted; for the dying and those ministering to them, Satan was no figment of a distraught imagination. (The masks of death. Cecil, Robert. Lewes, East Sussex: The Book Guild Ltd, 1991)
Usk kuradisse jäi püsima; surivoodil lebajate ja nende eest hooltitsejate jaoks ei olnud Saatan kõigest hullunud ettekujutluse vili.

It was evident from the young man's circumspect excitement that he thought he'd got his first genuine schizophrenic hypochondriac. (Cast in order of disappearance. Brett, Simon. London: Vicor Gollancz, 1975, pp. 31-192. )
Noormehe ettevaatlikust erutusest oli ilmne, et ta uskus end olevat just kogenud oma esimest ehtsat hullumeelset hüpohondriahoogu.

She felt herself to be still very slightly dazed, disorientated enough to give the impression that she was a disinterested observer of the scene and not quite able to realise that these things were in fact happening to her.(The truth of stone. Mackenzie, David S. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing Company Ltd, 1991, pp. 99-187)
Ta tundis end veel kergelt uimasena, piisavalt segaduses jätmaks muljet kui stseeni ükskõiksest pealtvaatajast, ning suutmata päriselt taibata, et need asjad olid juhtumas hoopis tema enesega. 

They were not overawed by the forbidding tors and jagged rocks, nor felt themselves threatened by the rolling acres of granite uplands. (Topaz. Bennetts, Pamela. UK: Magna Print Books, 1988, pp. 9-206.)
Nad ei heitunud ähvardavatest kaljutippudest ega sakilistestd kaljudest ega tundund end ohustatuna aakritepikkustest rulluvatest graniitkõrgustikest.

They were both busy people, preoccupied with their work — Robyn with her supervisions and the completion of her PhD, Charles with the demands of his new job — and the thought of having to adjust to another partner, to study their interests and minister to their needs, wearied them in anticipation.(Nice work. Lodge, David. London: Secker & Warburg, 1988, pp. 1-105)
Nad mõlemad olid hõivatud, tööga ülekoormatud inimesed - Robyn oma järelvalve ja doktorikraadi lõpetamisega, Charles uue töö nõudmistega - ja teise partneriga kohanemise, tema huvide tundma õppimise ning vastastikkuse abistamise mõte kurnas neid selle ootuses.

But he was equally unhappy with the typical alternative, with what he saw as the uneasy combination of materialism and immaterialism. (The empiricists. Woolhouse, R S. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988, )
Ent ta oli samavõrd õnnetu tüüpilise alternatiiviga, milles ta nägi vaid materialismi ja immaterialismi rahutut kombinatsiooni.

The cocoa-brown eyes were scanning her bewildered expression, and a glint of gentle amusement crept into the steady scrutiny. (Love by Design. Ryan, Kendall  )
Šokolaadipruunid silmad puurisid tema nõutut ilmet ja sellesse vankumatusse läbivaatlusse süvenenud näkku sugenes õrn lõbususenoot.

Already startled by the apparition, the crashing down of the big heavy door completely unnerved me.(Railway ghosts and phantoms. Herbert, W B. Newton Abbot, Devon: David & Charles Publishers plc, 1992, pp. 57-200.)
Ilmutusest niigi ehmunud, lõi suure raske ukse kokku varisemine mu täielikult verest välja.

And the sobbing began again, and to see her so defeated — remembering how gallant she had always been, even in the alley when she had attacked her assailant with her shoe — overwhelmed him. (An American princess. Marshall, Paula. Richmond, Surrey: Mills & Boon, 1993,)
Ja nuuksumine algas taas ning teda nii lööduna näha - mäletades kui vapper ta alati olnud oli, isegi ses kõrvaltänavas oma ründajale vaid kingaga kallale tormates - muserdas teda.


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